Chartered Corporate Insurance Professional

Learn the technical and fundamental skills required to work with business owners as an insurance advisor.

For advisors that want to work with business owners

There is a difficult road that lies before advisors.

Working with business owners and creating savvy financial plans for them can be one of the most rewarding aspects of your career.

Learning and Implementing the Technical Skills Required to Work in the Corporate Market will:

Give you the ability to place large corporate insurance cases where appropriate.

Give you a “second language” to effectively communicate with accountants and lawyers.

Bolster your confidence when speaking with business owners and their professionals.

Demonstrate that you are a professional and not just a salesman.

Tired of being treated as just an insurance salesman and not respected for what you can offer clients?

Struggling to hit your income goals with all your family market meetings?

Becoming a successful insurance advisor is a difficult road with many twists and turns.

Once of the best ways to succeed in the insurance industry is through the business owner market. It is a massively underserved market that is in desperate need of competent advisors who can truly help them achieve their goals. But working in the business owner market has its share of difficulties and problems. Advisors do not understand how things work and don’t want to look foolish in front of the client and their professionals.

MGA’s offer little guidance on how to get started in the business owner market.

Business owners and accountants assume you’re just another insurance salesman with nothing more to offer. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Competent insurance advisors can offer financial strategies that are unmatched by any other professional. Properly structured plans can save business owners plenty of taxes and protect everything they have built.

The problem that advisors who want to work with business owners face is a lack of practical learning. Courses and designations that have been sold as prestigious curriculums offer little practical advice for advisors to work with business owners

The Chartered Corporate Insurance Professional course was built specifically for advisors to teach them the technical skills required to work with business owners.

Course Outline

  • 1. Business Structures

    Types of businesses

    • Sole Proprietorship
    • Partnerships
    • Corporations (CCPC)


    • Corporate Fundamentals
    • Professional Corporations
    • Piercing the Corporate Veil
    • Fraudulent Conveyance Act


    • Purpose of Trusts
    • Types of Trusts
    • Trusts Used in Business

    Corporate Structures

    • Operating Company (Opco)
    • Operating and Holding Company (Opco/Holdco)
    • Sister Company (Sisco)
    • Family Trust with Investment Company (Invest Co)
  • 2. Corporate Documents
    • Articles of Incorporation
    • CRA Business Number
    • Shareholders Agreement
    • Corporate Minute Book
    • Financial Statements
  • 3. Corporate Taxation (Canada)

    Corporate Income Tax

    • Canada Tax Rates
    • Active vs Passive
    • Passive Tax Rate
    • Capital Gains and Dividends
    • General Tax Rate
    • Small Business Deduction (SBD)
    • General Rate Income Pool (GRIP) vs Low-Rate Income Pool (LRIP)
    • Grind Down of SBD
    • Personal Service Business (SBD)
    • Taxes within Trusts

    Business Owner Compensation

    • Salary vs Dividends
    • Types of Dividends
    • Shareholder Loans
    • Refundable Dividend Tax On Hand (RDTOH)

    Planning Considerations

    • Associated Corporations
    • Arm's length and Non-arms Length
    • Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption (LCGE)
    • Capital Dividend Account (CDA)
    • Intercorporate Dividend
    • Rollover, Section 85
    • Rollover Section 86
    • Purpose Test 55(2)
    • Safe Income on Hand Exception
    • Butterfly transactions
    • Attribution Rules
    • Tax on Split Income (TOSI)
    • Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
    • General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR)
  • 4. Corporate Insurance


    • Term vs Permanent
    • Universal Life
    • Whole Life
    • Dividend Options
    • Premium Offset
    • Additional Deposit Option
    • Riders
    • Key Terms
    • Capital Dividend Account


    • Definitions of Disability
    • Renewability
    • Elimination Period
    • Reduced Disability
    • Occupation Class
    • Integration of Benefits
    • Wage Loss Replacement 
    • Business Protection
    • Riders

    Critical Illness

    • Coverage Options
    • Return of Premium
    • Riders

    Planning Considerations

    • Advantage of Corporately Owned Insurance
    • IC 89-3
    • Life Insurance Tax Deductibility
    • Life Insurance in Opco
    • Transferring  Life Insurance
    • Examples
  • 5. Accumulation Strategies

    Fundamentals of Accumulation Strategies

    • General
    • Commentary on Effectiveness
    • Methods of Accessing
    • Partial or Whole Surrender
    • Policy Loan
    • Collateral Loan
    • Lending Requirements
    • Deductibility of Interest on Loan

    Back End leveraging

    • Basic Structure
    • Buffer Asset
    • Personally Owned
    • Corporate Owned - Corporate Borrowing
    • Corporate Owned - Personal Borrowing
    • Personal Loan VS Corporate Loan
    • Ideal Client
    • Possible Risks
    • Opco Example
    • Opco/Holdco Example
    • Family Trust Example

    Front end leveraging

    • Basic Structure
    • Ideal Client
    • Possible Risks
    • Case Study
  • 6. Jointly Owned Critical Illness
    • Basic Structure
    • Proper Setup
    • CRA Commentary
    • CRA Possibilities and Windup Options
  • 7. Estate Planning

    Estate Planning 101

    • Creating the Plan
    • Assets and Liabilities
    • Defining Objectives
    • Transferring Assets 
    • Wills
    • Probate
    • Multiple Wills
    • Dying Intestate (without a will)
    • Assets not subject to Probate
    • Gifting Assets prior to Death
    • Inter-Vivos Trust
    • Taxes upon Death 
    • Taxes on Life Insurance

    Estate Planning for Farmers

    • What is Farming?
    • Estate Planning for Farmers
    • Rollovers
    • Enhanced Capital Gains Exemption
    • Qualified Farming or fishing Property
    • The Business of Farming
    • Rollover to farmer’s child
    • Extended Definition of Child
    • Rollover to child
    • Personally
    • Partnership/Farm Corporation
    • Spouse and Spouse Trust Rollover
    • Leased Assets (Including Crop Sharing)
    • Principal Residence Exemption

    Estate Planning for Shareholders

    • Review of Shares at Death
    • Introduction to Post-Mortem Planning
    • Key Terms
    • Loss Carry Back Rules
    • Stop-Loss Rules
    • Grandfathering Rules
    • 50% Solution
    • 100% Solution
    • Roll and Redeem
    • Pipeline Planning
    • Examples with Common Shares
    • Examples with Preferred Shares
    • Examples with Life Insurance 
  • 8. Buy/Sell Agreements

    Understanding the Buy/Sell Agreement

    • Importance of Review
    • Key areas of Buy/Sell
    • Various Case Studies
    • Case Law

    Methods of funding buy/sell with life insurance

    • Criss Cross (Personal)
    • Criss Cross (Corporate)
    • Corporate Redemption
    • Prior to Stop Loss Rules
    • 50% Solution
    • 100% Solution
    • Roll and Redeem
    • Hybrid Method
  • 9. Trust Planning
    • Purpose of Trusts
    • Components of Trusts
    • Types of Trusts
    • Testamentary Life Insurance Trust
    • Testamentary Spousal Life Insurance Trust
    • Inter Vivos Trust
    • Taxation in Trusts
    • Graduated Rate Estate (GRE)
    • Qualified Disability Trust (QDT)
  • 10. Charitable Giving Using Life Insurance

    Overview of Tax Credits with Donations

    Gifting Life Insurance

    3 ways to Gift a Policy

    • Bequest Upon Death (Via Will)
    • Via Beneficiary Designation
    • Via Transfer of Policy

    Corporate Insurance Gifts

    • Assignment
    • Estate Gift


What Our Clients Say About Us

Caden Sawatzky

The Mortgage & Financial Avenue


“The Corporate Market Insurance course offered by Philip and his team was very informative. Some of the best education I have received for the industry to date. Would highly recommend this course to any advisor looking to expand their industry knowledge.”

Yogesh Sheta

Immunis Financial Brokers Inc.


“Last year I have attended your course on Insurance planning for the Business owners. It was very informative and has helped me build my practice. You have explained the complex corporate taxation in a very easy to understand format. Since then, I have grown my business significantly in the corporate market. I would highly recommend it to any advisor who wished grow their business in the corporate market. Moreover, You are always ready to answer my questions and help me guide on my cases selflessly. I can not thank you enough for your support.”

Munish Mehan

The Super Visa


“I am happy to write this for Philip as he is a great human being. Most importantly, he knows what he says. If you are going to take his course you will learn a lot of things about the corporate financial strategies . Highly recommended!”

What’s included:

Comprehensive curriculum including 15+ hours recorded content, exams, worksheets, and slides for every module (400+ slides)

Money Back Guarantee – If you’re not completely satisfied we will refund you 100%

Access to our private LinkedIn members group to receive answers for any questions

Access to our monthly Q/A members call where valuable information is shared

Philip Setter

About Your Instructor

Philip Setter has spent his life addicted to learning and exploring complex subject material. Philip was homeschooled his entire life and took an intense passion for learning advanced mathematics, calculus, physics, and other related material into his adult life. Upon entering the financial industry, he was instantly drawn into the complicated world of tax strategies, tax law, and corporate structures.

Philip has pursued this interest with relentless dedication and has spent almost his entire career focused solely on advanced planning for shareholders of private corporations in Canada. He has an uncanny ability to simplify the most complicated tax matters into understandable elements that anyone can understand.

Besides the love of learning, Philip has a true passion for the world of teaching and helping other advisors pursue their careers in the corporate environment. Finding no suitable curriculum for advisors to have sufficient knowledge to service the complex needs of business owners, Philip set out to build the first comprehensive curriculum of its kind in Canada. He is now the Founder and CEO of Advisor Institute whose primary focus is on the specialized education of advisors working with business owners.

Philip has lectured across Canada to hundreds of advisors, accountants, and lawyers on tax matters regarding financial services. He has been a guest speaker and keynote speaker at many events such as Business Transition Forum, Junior Achievers, and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there any type of money-back guarantee?

    Absolutely – If you’re not completely satisfied with the course after completing it we will refund you 100%.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    You have lifetime access to this course.

  • How is this different from other courses or designations?

    Other courses and designations, while greatly beneficial for advisors, do not focus on the specifics of corporations and their unique challenges.

  • What if I have more questions?

    There is a private members group that all students have access to where any questions can be answered.

  • How long will this course take me to complete?

    Depending on your learning style it can take anywhere from 4-12 weeks to complete this course. Most advisors complete the curriculum within 10-12 weeks.

  • How is the material presented?

    The material is available in both text and video format. Video has been the recommended learning style for all students as it has the highest chance to retain knowledge.

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